As with all countries and languages, the British have some strange phrases which can confuse even the most proficient English speaker! Here’s a quick & handy guide to some of the most common words and phrases you may hear – and think – “what on earth does that mean?”! 


Blinder – “pull a blinder” – achieving something difficult without fault or with luck 

Bloody – added to sentences to intensify a point or show anger 

Builders Tea – a strongly brewed cup of English breakfast tea with milk 

Brew – a cup of English breakfast tea 

Chinwag – to have a chat 

Chockablock – full 

Chucking it down – it’s raining hard 

Chuffed – happy or pleased 

Fag, Tab, Cig – all terms for cigarettes 

Full of beans – a term to describe someone with lots of energy 

Gobsmacked – to be shocked or astounded or bewildered 

Lurgy – if someone has “caught the lurgy” they will have cold of flu like symptoms or are just not feeling great 

Minging – something unpleasant or ‘gross’ 

Pissed – drunk 

Raining cats and dogs – it’s raining hard 

Spend a penny – a euphemism for going to the toilet 

Whinge – to complain 


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Call: 0330 123 9665 
